I Was Thinking....about Honestly and Change

Episode 11: November 11, 2022 I was thinking…about politics and the crazy amount of money that is spent. I heard in one race they spent 20 million dollars on ads. That is just on one side of the equation. It blows my mind how much money is spent when it could be being used for something productive and useful to help others instead of bashing others. Both sides wants to be elected, “WHY?” To get their way! Each side believes they have the best way forward for the American people, yet we are leaving so many American behind. If both sides wants what best for people, then why not put aside their few and limited differences and focus on helping people. I know someone will say, their way to do that is better than the other persons. So spending 20 million dollars on worthless ads is better than feeding the poor? Helping the needy? I am not saying we need to give people a hand out, b...