I Was Thinking....About Cake!

 Episode 6: November 3, 2022


Well, Barb (my beautiful bride) and I are buying a house to make a home.  We live in a house, but it is not our home.  They did the inspection yesterday evening (Wednesday) and there was somethings that needed to be fixed.  Electrical boxes had spliced wires into other sections, and some other issues.  We are hoping and praying that the sellers will fix it and go through the deal!!.  If not, we must look for another home.


CAKE……. What’s in a cake?  Sugar, flour, eggs, oil, cocoa, baking powder, vanilla (or flavoring of your choice).  When you mix it all together and bake it, you get something sweet and yummy.  


Think about this…..isn’t that what we want in our church.  Different people coming together and bringing The Kingdom of God to earth.  Mixing things together, working together in harmony.  That’s a recipe that I would like to be part of. 


What happens when you add too much sugar, flour, eggs, oil, etc. to the recipe? The cake will not turn out any good, the taste will be bad and maybe not even turn out.


Similarly when the people in the church bring selfish attitudes and behavior the mix gets spoiled and tainted.  When will those who claim to be followers of Christ stop playing games and putting their selfish behaviors aside and truly surrender to God’s will?  We can grow ONLY when we study, meditating, memorizing and worshipping God and God’s word.  The same goes when we are learning how to bake a cake, you have to follow a recipe, measure things out correctly, mix things correctly make sure to set a timer.  If directions are followed then the cake will usually come out.


The key is to get the ingredients to work together in one accord, just like the cake mix the people in the church are to work together in one accord.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 tells us “9 It's better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. 10 And if one falls down, the other helps, But if there's no one to help, tough! 11 Two in a bed warm each other. Alone, you shiver all night. 12 By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped.”


So church, let’s put our big boy and girl pants on set aside our own agendas and work together to further the Kingdom of God!


This is what I was thinking…


Your Friend in the Journey,




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