I Was Thinking...About an Agenda!!

 Episode 9: November 7, 2022


I was thinking…about an agenda!  What exactly is an agenda, “

agen·​da ə-ˈjen-də : a list or outline of things to be considered or done. agendas of faculty meetings.: an underlying often ideological plan or program.” (Found online) ideological plan or program – what is our plan?  Each and every one of us has an ideological plan.  Ideology is what we believe or ideas.  We get these beliefs and ideas from society, school, faith, parents, culture, work, etc. No two people’s beliefs are the exact same thus that is the problem. 


Because of this we have conflict.  If you have a group of people who “believe” the same, their ideology is still going to be different and thus there can be a power struggle.  Even the twelve disciples had a different ideology.  They had seen Jesus do some amazing things.  They hung out with Him 24/7 for roughly three years.  Walked with Him on the beach, on the water and through pastures.  They listened to His teachings and believed in His ideology yet they still had a tainted ideology because they argued who would be greater.  One disciple even sold-out Jesus for a bag of silver.  


So how do we combat this dilemma of a selfish ideology?  Simple, “14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14


Humble ourselves before God and pray for strength as the attacks from satan will come, AND I can assure you they will come!! God will forgive and God will heal!


Your Friend in the Journey,




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