I Was Thinking....about Honestly and Change

 Episode 11: November 11, 2022


I was thinking…about politics and the crazy amount of money that is spent.  I heard in one race they spent 20 million dollars on ads. That is just on one side of the equation. It blows my mind how much money is spent when it could be being used for something productive and useful to help others instead of bashing others.  Both sides wants to be elected, “WHY?”  To get their way!  Each side believes they have the best way forward for the American people, yet we are leaving so many American behind.  If both sides wants what best for people, then why not put aside their few and limited differences and focus on helping people.  I know someone will say, their way to do that is better than the other persons.  So spending 20 million dollars on worthless ads is better than feeding the poor?  Helping the needy?  I am not saying we need to give people a hand out, but we do need to give people a hand up!  We need to help people up instead of putting them down.  Instead of throwing money away on things that does not make a difference. 


It makes me think of how even Peter and Paul had disagreements and their goal was the same.  To proclaim the Kingdom of God.  Paul writes in Galatians 2 what I would call him (Paul) calling out hypocrites of the faith.  Peter was being (acting) one way with the Gentiles until the Christian Jews started showing up, then acting different.  To the point, where Barnabas went a different way because of the mishap between the two.  Was one side completely wrong and the other right?  Do we say “we are just being honest” and that is our justification on being rude and not thinking about the other persons feeling?  I’ve been quilty of just that.  I’ve told someone something in a blunt and rude manner and justified as “Just being honest.”  We can be honest and still be polite.  We can be honest and still think about the other person.  We can be honest and see the point of view from the other person side.  Who is to say what is honest and truthful?  


 It’s something that I believe happens in today’s world.  If someone is doing something that is not agreed by someone else in the church, then what normally happens?  They grumble and complain and go to other people instead of the person who they are upset with.  I don’t like what the person is wearing when they preach. They were hanging out with “That group” of people.  They don’t sing the songs I like. The carpet is pink with purple poke a dots and I don’t like that!  The list goes on and on and on.  


This seems to happen more with CHANGE!! OH NO….NOT THE SIX LETTER WORD!! CHANGE…….I have seen that church going people do not seem to like “CHANGE”.  That’s when grumbling really comes out.  When things are done different than what we are use to is not bad especially if the results are the same or better.  We need to think about a few things:


What’s the motive behind the change?

Why is the person upset and grumbling?

Can the same goal and result happen without change? 

If something is changed, is it leaving anyone out?


What if we all change from being self-focused to Christ focused?  Then and only then will grumbling, misunderstandings, etc., be fixed.


Your Friend in the Journey,




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