I was Thinking....about free gift!!

 Episode 7: November 4, 2022


I was thinking….have you ever noticed that when people are receiving a free gift, they get all excited.  Even if they have to buy something to get a free gift.  They will spend and extra $75.00 to get a free gift that’s worth $20.00.  To me that is crazy unless you were going to spend the $75.00 anyways.


The excitement and enthusiasm they have is catchy and other others can get excited about it too.  Have believers lost their excitement?  Have we gotten so wrapped up in everyday life that we have forgotten the most precious free gift we have ever received and that is the gift of salvation.  John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.”  


There is nothing that we can do to deserve it, the only thing is to accept the free gift.  This should be the most exciting thing we have ever done.  More exciting than getting married, having kids or grandkids.  THIS IS SALVATION!!!! COME ONE GET WITH THE PROGRAM!! BE JOYFUL FOR THIS GIFT!! I believe when the church becomes joyful and filled with the Lord, then they become contiguous and people will want what they have which is JESUS!! 


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