I Was Thinking and Forgot!!!

 Episode 3: October 27, 2022

 I forgot to post this!!

Well, I was thinking about different things this morning….


Psalm 120:1-2 “I call on my Lord in my distress, and He answers me.  Save me, Lord, from lying lips and a deceitful tongues.”  


Is it sad that David had to cry out because those who were suppose to be close to him were trying to betray him.  People who should be getting along, yet instead of talking things out they are making up stories and telling lies.  We should be focused on bringing the Kingdom of God to earth and yet people get wrapped around the axle and go on the attack. When this happens people leave the church because they don’t get their way or things have changed and let’s face it, we are not very good with change.  Why is it difficult for folks to put their trust and focus on the Lord.  David was not perfect but yet David had great faith and trust in the Lord.  When he sinned against God he did not make excuses and blame others for his sin.  He owned up to it.  When David slept with Bathsheba and murdered her husband he admitted to Nathan that “he (David) sinned against the Lord.” 2 Samuel 12:13 “I have sinned against the LORD.” David was also humble.  We followers of Christ, could learn a lot from this behavior.


Your friend in the Journey,




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