I was thinking Roly Poly


Episode 4: November 1, 2022


Well, I was thinking and forgot to post episode 3 and when I realized it was just now when I opened my Word document and saw it! AUUGH!! Oh well!  So I posted episode 3 late and then episode 4 came late as well!!! It’s just a roly poly kind of thing I guess.  I use to play with those as a kid.

So for those who may not know, the church Barb and I are Co-Pastors at is having a Fall Jubilee this Saturday.  It has been amazing to see people getting involved and getting excited about this event.  We have about a dozen community partners, and it’s going to be a great event!!  What a blessing to see God's people coming together.  It is interesting that all that had to be done is ask for help.  We've even had to turn some vendors away and are already planning a list for next year.  YES, next year, we will be doing another Jubilee and making it bigger, better and different.


Why is different so scary for people?  Why do people get some upset about change and different.  Change can be a good thing because when we change, we are moving forward and not staying the same. 

The other key in moving forward is being positive.  it does no good to move forward and be negative.  What is the point in staying negative?  Is anyone happy being negative and looking to the negative side of life? To change the negativity first you need to do is admit you’re negative.  The second, really want to change!  Then trust someone enough to talk with them about why you are negative.  You may be thinking, “I’m not a negative person normally.”  This may be true, however holding on to one negative thing can corrupt your very being.

 Stay positive my friends and keep looking up!!

 Your friend in the Journey,




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