I Was Thinking...About Dogs and a Cat

January 17, 2023 Episode 18 I was thinking…about my dogs and a cat . Yes, I said dogs, all Five of them. As I sit back and watch them interact because it is very interesting to see the hierarchy of the animal world. Seeing the puppy and watching the puppy’s energy, ignite the house and older dogs. Making the older dogs play or at least annoying the older dogs. They all have “Their Spot” and do have difficulty sharing from time to time, but it seems, no matter what they are family. Walter Showing Molly Downward dog Seeing the two older female dogs sitting at the foot of the stairs “prodding” the puppy to scratch at the door and bark so they can come in is hilarious! Then add a cat to the mix. OH, the drama we get to watch unfold and as the drama unfolds, to watch who the real “king of the jungle” is and the power that Salsa has. As he walks through the sea of dogs he’ll stop and look aroun...