I Was Thinking... About Salvation

 January 8, 2023 Episode 16

I was thinking… About salvation and one of the most significant events in a person’s life is when they accept Jesus as their personal Savior.  

Their whole life changes as excitement abounds and the church shares in the excitement with congratulations being offered to the new believer.  However, when this happens discipleship is often omitted, but when discipleship is a priority, the new believer is urged to read their Bible and pray.  These are two great and beneficial disciplines, however we as the church forget to show or instruct the new Christian on how to read their Bible with lasting benefits and how to pray effectively seeking communion with God.  

Without these two very important practices in a believers life, they will struggle to become resilient in their spiritual walk, and thus when trials, traumatic events and disasters strike, as they will, they are left wanting and feeling alone because they have not prepared themselves to live a resilient spiritual life.  

As It was so eloquently pointed out, “For the vast majority of us, trial and tribulation are realities.  Jesus reminded His disciples, ‘In the world you will have tribulation…’(John 16:33, NKJV) the question is not if, but when. Trauma is a reality.  It is part of the human condition.” (Dees, Resilient Warriors, 2011)  

Many new believers have the mentality “I have accepted Jesus as my Savior so no issues or problems are going to happen in my life.”    They look at salvation as a genie in the bottle and nothing bad will happen now.  If we (the church and/or disciples of Christ don’t step up and help mentor and guide the new believers, they will be devoured by the wolves.  We must help them form good spiritual disciplines habits so they will be strong when tribulations come their way.



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