I Was Thinking....PinPoint Focus

 January 2, 2023


I was thinking…about a few things…..first, it’s been a few minutes since my last blog.  It’s been a busy last couple of months.  Catching COVID over Thanksgiving and the business of Advent (Christmas).  


I was privileged to bring God’s Message on Sunday.  What a great way to begin the New Year for a pastor!!   One of the Seven resolutions I brought up was “I Will Not Worry About Tomorrow” Matthew 6:34, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


Which brought me to a quote by Haddon Robinson “What worries you, Masters you.”  This could not be a more true statement because we give a lot if not the majority of our attention and time when we focus and worry about not only tomorrow but yesterday.  

I’m not sure about a century or so ago, however today I believe this has gotten to the extreme!  Society is focused on the bigger, better, more and more stuff, recognition and moving up the ladder.  It’s not until we give up trying to move up and obtaining more and more stuff, believers will not grow in their relationship with the Lord. I say this because of the previous quote “What Worries You, Masters You.” 


When you put pinpoint focus on obtaining more and more, you cannot grow, you cannot 

focus on anything else but tomorrow and or the worries, you cannot see anything else because everything else is out of focus.  However, when we change our focus from worrying and put it back where it belongs, ON GOD we change, and we grow and get stronger in our faith.







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