I was Thinking....About how Things are..

March 17, 2024 As I think about how things are, I am super excited to see God’s people on the move. They are reaching out and reaching into the community demonstrating God’s love for His people. We are coming up to Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Can you imagine the excitement of the children. The excitement of the men and women there. Word about Jesus had spread and reached Jerusalem. Can you hear the people “is this the One, the Messiah that Isaiah talked about?” The children cheering Hosanna!! Hosanna!! Waiving palm branches while the men and women lay their cloaks down worshipping Him. All the while the city leadership is becoming more and more enraged. Jesus broke all kinds of cultural norms. He did not gather an Army and march in as a conquering king. He humbly (which was not a cultural norm for city leadership) came the week before His death to teach, heal and continue to proclaim the Kingdom of God. He was tortured and made to carry His cross, the very cross Jesus woul...