I Was Thinking !?!

Episode 1: October 26, 2022

 Well, this is my very first ever Blog and the maiden voyage of "I Was Thinking !?!"  Not sure what I was expecting, maybe some ticker tape, balloons, chocolate chip cookie cake or something?!?  Something I was thinking and at the spur of the moment, I said to myself, "Charlie, look up and see what you need to do and do it!" So here I am.

If you are looking for a deep theological and thinking blog, not sure you will find it here.  This is just me being me and wading through everyday life and thoughts.

Have you ever shared a bit of something with someone and then immediately regretted it?  My bride Barb brought Sonic and we ate our food, but there it was!!! A LONE pretzel stick.  You see neither one of us had ever had one so we shared. She took a bit and I took a bit.  As soon as I did, I was like, “DANG!! This is good!  Why did we have to share?!!”  We both determined, it was good and we wished we had our own! LOL

I was thinking….I’m trying to buy a house and use VA home loan
…..this is suppose to help because of NO down payments, yet they are charging $7,245.00 for a VA Funding Fee which is added to my closing costs.  Not sure how that helpful?  My goodness, tax for this, tax for that, fee’s to the left of me and fees to the right of me.  Purchasing a house is no fun!! To many hoops to jump through.

Scripture tells us in Matthew 6:33-34  33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  

That’s good advise!! I shall not worry!  Check back for episode 2


Your Friend in the Journey,




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