"I Was Thinking?!?" ALOT!!!

 Episode 2: October 27, 2022


Good afternoon!  I was thinking last night that I would post in the mornings, but then life happens and I can’t get to a computer, so I hold on to my thoughts until the afternoon.  


I’ve been thinking about something….and not to be political or controversial, HOWEVER, I ran across a female pastor (Children’s Pastor) who was all up in arms over the Roe vs Wade decision.  She said, (like many have) “It’s the woman’s body and therefore should be her choice.” If you believe and agree with the Church of the Nazarene’s stance on Sanctity of Life, how can you be upset?  It’s not your body but God. God created you and called you so if you are a child of God then you belong to God all parts of you.  Just like my body (in its round messed up shape) belongs to God.  It is not mine but God’s.  Yes, I’ve made a mess of this body, however it still belongs to God.  These are the things I think about! Again, not trying to stir up a whole hornets nest….so let’s move on.



It was absolutely beautiful this morning…(Let me stop and share a secret!  I’ve struggled with spelling and it took the movie Bruce Almighty for me be able to spell BEA…UUUUUTIFUL Day….). When I use the word beautiful in my head I am saying BEAUUUUUTIFUL. so it was beautiful this morning waking up and seeing a smidgen of snow!! The girls loved it and were licking the ground.  By girls I mean Pixie and Paslie (the white dogs in the picture).  

Ok admit it, when you say the word beautiful…..you are hearing Bruce say it in your head!!! LOL 


I had to take a quick trip up to Grand Junction and on my way I started craving brownies with powered sugar because the scenery was so beautiful and looked like brownies with powdered sugar sprinkled on it. (See picture)


As Barb, I and the kids arrived in Junction, it made me laugh how the streets are named.  29 Rd, 29 ¼ Rd, 29 ½ Rd, and yes 29 ¾ Rd.  All over the town there are numbers with fractions. I even saw B ½ Rd.  It makes me think that the people who came up with the street names either got lazy, were lazy or just could not think of anything else.  To use a quote from a world clown I mean leader “COME ON MAN!!” B ½ Rd?  Ok maybe the numbers with fraction but letters?  What where they mathematicians?  If you go down x+y*29 ½ and turn on 34 1/8 – 5 Rd. 


It makes me think of God talking with the Israelites in the Old Testament when they were CONSTANTLY messing up….”If you return to me, then I will be your God”. through out the OT we see this type of language.  If you do xyz, then I will ….” both good and bad statements because God was telling the people to turn from their wicked ways and things would be better.  2 Chronicles 7:14 “14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  What a great formula!! so very simple that you don’t have to be Einstein to get it correct.  Just turn from your sins and turn to God very simple, yet we make things harder than they have to be.


I remember I was called to be a substitute for 4th grade math in Southern Arkansas.  I thought, no problem I know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide.  Well, I was up teaching (I believe it was multiplication) and the teachers aid came up and whispers “Mr. Bechtold, we don’t do math that way anymore.”  I asked, “does 2+2 still equal 4?”  Which I just got a strange look from the TA, so I said, “I guess you better teach this and I’ll watch.”  She started doing a graph and rounding numbers up.  It was crazy.  we’ve made things harder than they need to be. what is wrong with showing your work.  I remember helping Lanee Jean with her math and she got them all wrong.  She got them wrong because she did not do it the way the school district had been showing the kids to do it since elementary school. So I went to the school and ask, is the answer wrong?  They said no, but that’s not how we’ve always taught them to do the problem.”  I said, “well, we just moved here, so she has not been here before SOOOOOOO she will not be punished for that.  If the answers are correct (and they were) then she gets them right.  if not, then she gets them wrong.


Well, I guess I’ll save some for tomorrow!! 


Your Friend in the Journey,




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