I Was Thinking... About Home Ownership

February 5, 2023 Episode 19 I was thinkink....About home ownership. Ever since I proposed to the most beautiful woman, I began dreaming about owning a home. We rented when we moved to Mississippi, then the Lord called us to full-time ministry and moved to Colorado Springs to go Nazarene Bible College (Which sadly is no longer there). After NBC we went to Kansas and RENTED as I was working on an M.Div. Then we began pastoring and either RENTED or lived in the church parsonage. Then when I went into the Army we either RENTED or lived on base. The dream never died and I wanted to buy a house but we never pulled the trigger. It wasn’t until after I retired we were able to purchased a house. The process of owning a home was super painful….pages after pages after pages (and even the same pages again and again). What a happy day that was, because I was able to provide a home for my bride. Yes, we lived in many houses, but this is our home. What a happy day!! The relief I felt...